September 13, 2002

A Chance Stamp in Chicago

A picture named 911.gifI had originally intended to avoid any blog comments about my view of the world one year later, but I was quite taken that the Internet has demonstrated again that it's the human side of the packet interface that really matters. I was amazed at the depth and scope of the digital archives that have developed out of 9/11. It really is a testament not only to the pain and suffered casued by these brutal acts, but also a witness to the strength of the human spirit.

I wasn't directly affected by the events - I was fortunate not to have lost any family, friends or acquaintances, but it has affected me nonetheless. I suppose it has affected most people. I tend to stop and think about the world around me a little bit more often, smile at strangers a little more frequently and try my best not to let other people's irrational behavior change my frame of mind.

My personal contribution to the archive is the picture at the right. It was uncommon before 9/11/01 for a Canadian citizen to have their passport stamped by US Customs, but for some reason that morning in Chicago around 6:00 am, the agent on duty decided to stamp my book. I didn't actually remember that this had happened until many months after the tragic events and in turning to the back of my passport as I idly browsed through the customs stamps that I have accumulated while I waiting in line in Africa to get another, I came across this. It caused me to pause, and to think, and to remember.

And that's important.

I hope that we can all remember where are heads are at now that the outrage and anger has subsided to the point where we can each appreciate the significance of last fall and how it affected each of our lives - and that we can all take the time to smile at more strangers, take a look at the world around us and try not to let other people's irrational behavior get us down.

"I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone."
            - Edith Cavell

Posted by system at 07:52 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Neustar's Sweet Deal...

According to a ZDNet report, everything isn't wine and roses between Congress and Neustar regarding the future of According to Shimkus, he's never seen a sweeter deal than the one Neustar received and that Creating and operating the domain is a perfectly appropriate cost of doing business." Neustar is not quite in agreement and has taken the position that legislation will cause more harm than good.
Posted by system at 06:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack