Thu, 21 Nov 2002 03:10:22 GMT
I was talking to DarrylG [nobloglinkyet] about how blogs work and he expressed confusion over the navigation primitives that we've (I mean "we" as in "bloggers") decided to employ (Okay, the primitives that Dave and Evan liked). He was referring to the blogmasters use (or the <%permalink%>that I use) to denote the end of a specific post combined with a link to the permanent URL for that particular post. What was interesting about his question was because while the primitive made tons of sense to this blogmaster, it made me realize how confusing this new web was for the average user - given that the navigation that we employ is for each other and not for the reader. Makes me think twice about the Reader's Movement that ElliotN brought up last week. Note to self: Ask Elliot what he meant when he referred to the Reader's Movement.
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