If any of you reading this actually has a vote, your support for Tim Denton would be appreciated. He has served in this capacity for the past two years and has unfailingly represented registrars in a positive fashion without backing down from the hard issues.
From the careg-discuss@egate.net mailing list...
"As a service to our registrar community please read the following:
CIRA has selected The Committee of Canadian Internet Registrars to appoint a representative to the 2003-2004 CIRA Board of Directors for the purpose of representing registrars.
The Committee of Canadian Internet Registrars is a one-registrar, one-vote organization. If you are a CIRA Certified Registrar, you are entitled to vote. Voting commences on January 29, 2003.
Please visit http://www.ccir.ca/ now to ensure you do not miss your opportunity to participate.
Voting details:
The nominees to the position are: (in alphabetic order by last name):
Paul Andersen and Timothy Denton
Voting begins anytime after 2:00 pm January 29th, and finishes on February 4th (11:59:59 pm, Pacific Time). Voting will be conducted by E-mail. All accredited registrars are entitled to one vote for one of the above."
More details on the CCIR website...