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The "Dashboard" is the first page that loads when you log into the Blogware Control Panel. This page includes links to all Blogware functions and a snapshot of activity within your Blogware. This page contains direct links to:

·the last five articles that you wrote and published,  
·the last five comments that others have left for you in response to an article that you published and,  
·the last five trackbacks that others have sent you in response to an article that you published.  

Recent Articles
This table contains the last five articles that you wrote and published to your Blogware. It is arranged in three columns with the headings "Article" - the title of the article you published, "Author" - the name of the person that published the article, and "Created" - the date that you published the article.

Clicking on the links in "Article" column will allow you to edit the article that you selected using the Blogware Article Editor.

Recent Comments
This table contains the last five comments others have left for you in response to an article that was published in your Blogware. It is also arranged in three columns with similar headings as "Recent Articles", "Comment" - the title of the comment that was left, "Author" - the Blogware nickname of the person that left the comment and "Date" which is the date that the Author left the comment for you.

Clicking on the links in the "Comments" column will allow you to delete the comment that you selected.

Recent Trackbacks
This table contains the last five "trackbacks" that others have sent you in response to an article that was puiblished in your Blogware. It is also arranged in three columns with the headings "Article" - the name of the article that you were notified of via trackback, "Blog Name" - the name of the blog that sent you the trackback and "Date" - which lists the date that the trackback was sent.