Menu Tabs
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Menu Tabs are menu items that link to all of Blogware's main functions.

Main Menu - The Blogware Main Menu tab is the first page that loads when you log into the Blogware Control Panel. This page includes links to all Blogware functions and a snapshot of activity within your Blogware.

Articles - The Articles tab links you to all of the administrative functions related to managing your Blogware articles. From this tab, you can easily drill down to a list of articles in a specific category and edit the one that you want. This function is especially useful if you want to update old posts, fix spelling mistakes or change the settings of a particular article.

Categories - The Categories tab provides you with access to the function needed to set up and manage categories, grant other users access to "secret" categories and best of all, create photoalbums.

Look and Feel - This is where you can customize what people will see when they visit your Blogware.

Favorites - This function allows you to create lists of links that you can embed in your Blogware Look and Feel using the Blogware Layout Manager. You can add to these lists just as easily as you add to your web browser bookmarks - without having to login to Blogware.

File Manager - The File Manager allows you to work directly with files that you have uploaded to your Blogware. For example, if you would like to include a special graphic in one of your articles, you would upload it here and link to it from the Article when you post it. You can also delete files, create directories and perform most other standard file management functions that you would find in your computer operating system.

Settings - This function controls the basic behavior of your Blogware and determines how it will function. The default settings are usually suitable for most uses.