Amanda absolutely loves Shu Mai. I find that this fussy dish goes quite well with sushi. I usually go with two or three different kinds of dumplings. I usually go with beef, chicken or pork seasoned with something that goes well with the chosen meat. Today I made ginger lemon chicken and teriyaki garlic pork. To make the filling, just toss your seasonings into a food processor with your meet for a few seconds until it resembles the consistency of a raw meatloaf. It should ball up quite easily and not be runny. Always make sure that you add any liquid seasonings after you've blended the meat and items like garlic, ginger or onion etc. This lets you keep a close eye on the consistency and ensure that it doesn't get too runny.

In this shot, I'm about to drop the filling into the wonton wrapper. I usually lay the wonton over the inside edge of a left-handed fist. Not really a fist actually, because the next step is to push the filling and wonton down into the palm of my hand...