This week: Interview with Bret Fausett, Brian Ibbott and Dave Slusher
about the in's and out's of RIAA licensing and a number of other
interesting bits talking about the various legal implications for
podcasters who include 3rd party music in their show...
Special thanks to Bret, Brian and Dave for helping me make this happen!
at 11:15PM (EST) on February 27, 2005 | Permanent Link
Re: Podcast: Random Bytes Radio, Show #22
on Tue 01 Mar 2005 06:41 PM EST | Profile | Permanent Link
Awesome information session, thanks guys!
Re: Podcast: Random Bytes Radio, Show #22
Charlie Quidnunc
on Mon 07 Mar 2005 04:52 PM EST | Profile | Permanent Link
Great show. I think it is critical that Podcasters learn what music can be legally played on their Podcasts. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and many podcasters are going to eventually face some serious liability if they continue to play music without permission. Brian's show is great, but he can't continue without paying for the performances. Just because they are covers doesn't eliminate the requirement for permission.
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