Blogware Admin: “Blogware will be undergoing some maintenance on Tuesday, February 8th from 2200 hours UTC to 2300 hours UTC (that's 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. for those of you in Eastern Standard Time). We expect that the downtime should be only fifteen minutes, but it will take place sometime during that hour. Thanks for your patience.”
For the few of you that latched onto me as your reseller during the beta period, Random Bytes is pretty much the only place where you can get information and updates about the status of the system. We’ve got a pretty decent communications infrastructure built up to make sure that our resellers and partners are in the loop. This helps them keep people like you in the loop. Problem is, I continuously forget that there are a few of you that count on *me* as your “reseller”!
Anyways – as the note above points out, we’re doing some upgrades this week that will help iron out a few of the posting and performance issues you’ve been noticing over the last week. As Kim says “we’re gonna make this thing sing!”