sometime earlier this week while i was skiddingf across the pavement, it looks like i got bamboozled in the cira election.

either someone is playing dirty pool, or the nomination tool is broken...

it appears that a large voting block revokedf their support for my candidacy sometime just prior to the close of the nomination process. because of the obviously inconvenient timing of this, I didn't even get a chanec to solicit further support from the community. I mean, its trivial to find 20 people to support your candidacy.

unless this is some sort of a technical irregularity, i have to say that this is a highly cheesy way to keep me out of the election...

i'm going to have to take a further look at the elections rules nd bylaws, because this seems to be terribly irregular...

...and of course, highly disappointing if it stands in the way of an election bid. i busted my ass for cira over the last year and i'm having a hard time believing that someone, ore a group of someones, would stoop to this level to keep me out of  the process when i have, at every step, played nothing but a fair and well-intentioned game...

i'd like to think there is some sort of a glitch that led to thius probelm, but i can't help but think that the election process is instead turning into a fixed game of survivor controlled by a very large voting bloc.

stay tuned...

ps - im typing furiously with one spell check, no voice dictation leads to lots of errors :)